“But I have No Value…”
Redefining Value, beginning with your core beliefs
He sat down next to me as tears filled my eyes. My pen wasn’t moving like the other women sitting around the table. Instead, my mind raced. I could not answer the question. Tears rolled down my cheek as I looked him in the eye and said, “I have no value.”
The words poured into the empty space, taking every emotion I had kept inside. For the past few months, I fought physically and emotionally to stay on my feet, but in this one sentence, it all came loose. I felt worthless, and I had just verbalized my deepest belief about myself to a group of strangers.
It was night one of the two-weekend program taught by my church’s Missions Pastor. I knew only a few of the people, but I held fast to the hope that I would discover myself by taking this class, never considering I would have to define my current worth on the very first night.
Just weeks before, I was asked to step aside from a position I loved. Again. This recurring pattern of finding a role I love and subsequently being asked or forced to step away left me feeling like I have nothing good to give. I was desperate for meaning, and this class promised to help me find it.
My words startled him as much as they did me. I don’t remember his reply, only the compassion in his voice. It was a turning point for me- to share this core belief.
Core beliefs are lodged deep inside each of us. According to Psychology Today, “Core beliefs represent the way you see yourself, other people, the world, and your future, and are activated in situations that you perceive as threatening to your primal needs.” Some of us have positive core beliefs- we know who and what we are from the inside out. Others, like me, have built negative core beliefs. We believe we are worthless, not enough, too much, or less important than others.
Maybe you know your core beliefs, and maybe you don’t. I didn’t know mine until they rolled off my tongue that night. But that’s when healing began- when I could define my core belief.
Throughout the two weekends, he continued to reassure me my value does not come from what I can do but rather from who I am. I began to knock loose the lies I was believing, and in its place, I started to build a foundation of a life I believed in.
Friends, it was the start of living a full life. In John 10:10, Jesus says he came to give us life and have it abundantly. Discarding the core lies and allowing ourselves to see how God intended us to live- how he made us, loves us, and always is with us- is a full, abundant life!
I dream of the day YOU can see and experience a full life in Him. It starts with knowing your value. This week, spend some time digging into your core values. What do you believe about yourself, and why? With each discovery, write a contradicting or confirming truth from scripture. Reshape your definition of who you ARE by discovering who you are made to BE.
Praying you Discover a Life Worth Living this week!

One year ago.
I’m still working on my core beliefs. This picture shows me how much progress I made. The woman here has worked so hard, and one year later, I continue to believe I am who God made me to be.
Are you on the journey, too? I’d love to hear from you!

One Comment
I can feel the realness in these words, a heart torn and ready for redemption. Thank you for your openness and call for everyone to join you in discovering our worth in Christ.