How A Mug Reminds Me to Value My Time

I have a mug addiction. But this one is a favorite. Seriously, have you tried Donuts?!?
When I pulled this mug from the cupboard this morning, I chuckled yet again. I’ve been trying to consider things from other perspectives, and today this mug reminded me of something a friend said a few weeks ago. She said,
“When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else.” Life is full of choices, but whatever choice we make leaves something unexplored or untouched. Like when I say yes to donuts, I am saying no to my Batman-esque 9-pack.
It’s easy for me to say no to something when I have a time conflict or when the activity doesn’t sound very appealing to me. I will quickly say yes to many opportunities that look like an adventure, to a new creative endeavor, or for something that might make me feel valuable. In those ‘yes’-es I am unintentionally saying no to things I might not realize. Like family time. Relaxation. Quality work on other projects.
My mug could have an entire list of “…but have you tried…” phrases.
Sleep is great, but have you tried Netflix! Cooking is great, but have you tried BiBiBop! Free time is great, but have you tried Volunteering!
All humor aside, I can fill that phrase with a variety of expressions that have a genuine impact on my perspective.
~Reading my Bible is great, but have you tried so-and-so’s blog? ~
When we say yes to something, we are giving up time, energy, or opportunity. We must be okay with what we are giving up to take on the ‘yes.’
When my friend spoke those 13 words, my brain began to mull over and over the things in my life I have said yes to doing. And slowly, I have started to explore the things I have given up or let go of to do those things. It is becoming more evident with every ask that I must think of what I am saying no to before I can entirely give my yes.
In this process, I have remembered the importance of quality time. Taking care of myself. Seeking after my Creator. And I have often remembered the true value of time. I do not know how many minutes I will get on this Earth, but I want to give everything I have to every one of those minutes.
And I’m taking the donut with me, too.