Happy 2018!
Welcome to 2018! January seems to come in with a bang and be gone in a blink. I often spend the first few days getting organized and making goals, the middle of the month looking for tools and tips to make it work, and the end of the month to look back and realize I didn’t actually make a move on my goals. Anybody relate?
This year instead of making a goals list or a wish list I’m doing something new. Literally.
Every month I want to find a new adventure. Something I’ve never done before, but always wanted to do. Or to do a new way. I have big things on my list, like run a marathon and crochet a whole blanket. But I also have little things, like learn to tie a french knot and roller skate.
2018 is going to be an adventure. And I’m not letting a month pass me by- not even January! I’m not planning out my months or trying to write out plans. I’m taking it one month at a time looking for the adventures that await.
For January, I have a HUGE adventure… but I can’t tell you what it is yet. You’ll have to wait until later in the year to see it.
What adventure will you take on this January?